Yellow Pond Lily
Nuphar polysepalum
Perennial aquatic plant from massive rhizomes.
Leaves sometimes floating often submerged are
heart shaped and long stalks. Flowers are
yellow and up to 10 cm across and cup
shaped that float in water. Ponds and shallow
lakes, low to middle elevations..


Armeria maritima
Perennial. Flowering stems leafless, 5-45cm tall.
Leaves are basal, densely tufted, narrow lance
shaped. Pink to lavender flowers, small short
stalks, numerous in head like clusters on
coastal beaches


Wild Ginger
Asarum caudatum
Evergreen perennial. Often forming large mats.
Leaves, heart to kidney shaped long stalked
and hairy. Flowers. Purplish brown and bell
shaped with three flaring, tapering lobes.
Moist shady forests and leaf mold.


Gaultheria shallon
Perennial creeping to erect shrub, spreads by
layering.Leavesare evergreen and leathery and
finely toothed.Flowers are urn shaped and white
to pinkish, the stalks bend downwards.Rocky bluffs,
coniferous forests from low to medium elevations.


Petasites palmatus
Perennial with numerous stems to 50cm tall. Leaves
are deeply divided and mainly basal. Stem leaves
reduced to bracts. Flowers are creamy white with
many heads on often woolly stems. Wet forests,
clearings, moist roadsides.


Calypso Orchid
Calypso bulbosa
Perennial bulb plant 10 to 25 cm long. Leaves are
dark green in the fall and persist through the winter.
Flowers. Rose purple and very showy. A single
bloom on each stem. Mostly in forests.
The flower dies when picked.


Early Camas
Camassia quamash
Perennial herb to 60cm tall. Leaves are basal,
grass like and numerous. Flowers are pale to
deep blue, 5 to many in a spike It has 5 sepals
curved upwards and a sixth down.
Grows on grassy slopes and meadows.


Footsteps of Spring
Sanicula arctopoides
Perennial with branched stems.Leaves are
yellowish forming a rosette Flowers are bright
yellow nestled in a ring of bracts. Grassy
bluffs and always close to the sea.


Cow Parsnip
Heracleum lanatum
Perennial, stems singly, hollow 1-3m tall. Large
leaves stalked and compound, divided into 3
and palmately lobed. Flowers small, white,
numerous in umbrella cluster. Found at
roadsides, meadows and thickets.


Dames Violet
Hesperis matronalis
Tall to over a meter. Frequently escapes from
gardens. Leaves and stem have both simple
and forked hairs. The flowers are white
through various shades of pink, purple and
violet.Wasteland and forest edges.


Perennial Pea
Lathyrus latifolius
Perennial stretching out to 3m in every
direction.Leaves end in many branched tendrils
that helps the plant climb. Flowers are large and
showy. Varying in white to bright rose. Railway
cuttings, roadsides and clay banks by the sea.


Consumption Plant
Lomatium nudicaule
Perennial plant with flowering stems to 90cm
tall. Leaves are mostly basal, oblong to egg
shaped and often stalked. Flowers are yellow
and small with several in compact clusters
Dry areas at low to middle elevations.


Menzies Larkspur
Delphinium menziesii
Perennial to 50cm. Tall.  Single stems weakly
attached to tubers.  Leaves rounded in outline
but deeply divided. Deep blue to purplish
flowers 3 to 20 in open terminal clusters.
Grassy meadows and rocky bluffs.


Grindelia integrifolia
Perennial.Short branched stem 15-80cm tall.
Leaves,basal lance shaped to 40cm long, stem
leaves alternate and stalkless. Ray flowers
yellow,bracts covered with gum. Found mainly
on beaches and rocky shores.


Queen Ann's Lace
Daucus carota
Biennial from bitter taproot. Stem singly
20-120cm tall. Fern like leaves and lacy
5-15cm long. Flowers are white or yellowish,
central one of the umbel commonly pink or
purple. Found in pastures, clearings, roadsides.


Tanacetum vulgare
Perennial.Stiffly erect, over a meter in height.
Dark green leaves, feather like pinnate and
smooth.Has numerous rayless flower heads in
flattened clusters. Disturbed sites, road margins
and waste land.


Musk Mallow
Malva moschata
Plants form a bushy clump with woody bases,
growing 2 to 3 feet tall.All species in the genus55
Malva have edible leaves. Flowers in great
profusion up to 2 inches wide and pale-pink
or white. Dry open areas, wasteland or
roadsides. A native of Europe


A trailing evergreen shrub often forming mats,
with rooting branches. The leaves are dark green
and shiny above.Flowers are urn shaped to
about 5mm longand pinkish white in color.
Enjoys sandy and well drained exposed sites.


Spreading Dogbane
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Perennial plant to 70cm tall, with a milky sap.
Leaves are opposite and narrow oval shape,
droop in heat of day. Flowers, pink bell shape
with flaring lobes in clusters.
Hillsides, roadsides on well drained areas.


Cow Vetch
Vicia Cracca
Perennial trailing or climbing. Stems to 2m
long.Leaves compound with terminal branched
tendrils. Leaflets 16 –24.Flowers, blue to
reddish purple,pea like, 20-50 flowers.
Thickets and open forests.


Large Headed Sedge
Carex macrocephala
Spreading rhizomes buried in sand. Leaves
cluttered near the base. Sharply pointed like
reeds. Flowers. Male and female flowers on
separate plants. Erect spikes in clusters.
Coastal dunes and sandy beaches.


Springbank Clover
Trifolium wormsksoldii
Perennial plant, branched stems to 30cm long.
Leaves compound, 3 foliate, leaflets to 3cm long
Red to purple flowers often tipped with
white.Dense heads to 60 flowers.
Wet to moist open places.


 Clustered Cancer Root
Orobanche grayana
Parasitic annual favoring Gumweed, Grindelia
The clustered whitish stems tend
to merge in a stubby base which become brownish,
and bears many bracts and rugged purplish flowers.
Mainly a sandy habitat, dry and in the area of Gumweed.


Rice Lily
Fritillaria camschatcensis
A sturdy perennial herb to 60cm tall from a bulb.
Leaves. Usually in three main whorls with many in each.
Lance shaped. Flowers. Purplish brown and bell
shaped with many in a nodding cluster. Moist places
in open areas edges of marshes and shoreline.