House Finch.
Just deciding to drink or bathe..
  House Finches.
One in and one waiting.


MacGillivrays Warbler
Visiting the fountain pond


Bewicks Wren
Another wren visits the pond on the deck.

Pine Siskin
Just making up its mind.
  Steller's Jay
Calls in quite often.

European Starling
Not a regular visitor


European Starling
This was the first visit.


Downy Woodpecker
A rare visit to the  water dishes.


Downy Woodpecker
Not a regular to the water dishes.


Wilson's Warbler
Not a regular visitor.


Wilson's Warbler
Only calls in for the water


Purple Finch
A regular at the feeder


Purple Finch
Occasionally at the water dishes.


Chipping Sparrow
Always goes in the small pond.


Chipping Sparrow
Spring time visitor.


Orange-crowned Warbler
Doesn't visit very often.


Orange-crowned Warbler
After a dip in the pond.


Red Crossbills,  (Male & Female)
A little annoyed with a finch.


White-crowned Sparrow
There is a little water in the dish.