Shell Ginger
Alpina zerumbet


Tahitian Gardenia
Gardenia taitensis


Erythrina crista-galli


Erythrina crista-galli


Orchid Tree
Bauhinia blakeana





Phalenopsis orchid.


Tulip Anthuriuns
 Anthurium andraeenum



Napoleon's Hat
 Napoleonaea imperialis


This is the same species as the one on the left.
They also grow straight out of the tree trunk.


Cannonball Tree
 Couroupita guianensis


Cannonball Tree
 Couroupita guianensis


Butterfly pea flower
Clitoria ternatea


Royal Cape
Plumbago auriculata


Hau Tree
Hibiscus tiliaceus


  Traveller's Palm
Ravenala madagascariensis


Rosa sinensis


Koa Haole
Leucaena leucocephala


Nerium oleander